Monday, November 10, 2008

Today's Run

...was very painful. But I haven't run in weeks so I think I earned a little pain. Twisted my ankle a little in the California sand this past weekend (I know, your heart is breaking right in two for me isn't it?), and now it really smarts. Might need to find something a little lower impact for a while.

According to Map My Ride I did 2.45 miles in 25 minutes. That translates into just over a 10 minute mile (or just under 6 mph for you treadmill folks). Not bad considering the break I've been on. The pitbull who ran alongside me for half a block was friendly enough, but he sure gave me a bit of an adrenaline boost....probably didn't hurt my rate :)

Now just to avoid eating a dozen freshly made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies before the day is over. I know, what was I thinking??

Back On The Wagon

Well, the "baby weight" isn't exactly melting away as I'd hoped it would when I weaned Thomas. I had really and truly convinced myself that the hormone change that came with weaning would magically make these 15 pounds just disappear.

Um...not happenin'. In fact, I've gained 4 pounds.

I guess I'm going to have to eat less and exercise just like every other normal person out there. Dang.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Saving My Butt From Halloween Candy...

This gum...Trident Tropical Twist has been such a life-saver this horribly tempting Halloween season! It's super sweet, and the flavor lasts forever.

I'm still eating the occasional Butterfinger or Reece's Peanut Butter Cup...but normally one piece would absolutely send me over the edge, and I'd be sitting there for 2 hours piling in the chocolate. But now I'll eat a piece of candy, and then if I feel like having more, I'll have some gum instead. It keeps my mouth satisfied and busy through the chocolate crisis.

I keep asking myself a question though...HOW can a pound of candy eaten translate into 5 pounds gained. Darn calories...