Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well, I'm still working out 3-4 times per week. I usually do my Wii Fit stuff, and then get off the Wii and lift weights. I have a set of 5's and 10's (free weights)...I'm doing every arm exercise imaginable along with sit ups, lunges, and squats.

So why am I frustrated? The scale is not budging. Not even a little.

Hubby assures me that I'm definitely making changes...that I'm a different shape. And the way my clothes fit testify to this as well. So why am I not losing weight?

I have a hair-brained theory: I think I might be losing a little bit of fat AND gaining some muscle. They're sorta cancelling each other out, making it seem like nothing is happening. Why is this fat being so stubborn? I think it's because I'm still nursing the baby. My body really likes to hold on to a bit of padding while I'm nursing.

So I'm still going to keep working at it with the hope that when I stop nursing in the next couple of months (sniff, sniff), the fat will just start to disappear. Please, Lord, let this happen! I'm afraid that I'll lose all my motivation if I don't start losing after I wean Thomas.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Still Kickin'

Holy cow, it's been almost a month since I wrote here last! I'm still here.

I've had less time to blog, because I've been spending more time....exercising! Yippee...I finally got my rear in gear and am getting some exercise into my day.

The main thing that turned me around was getting a Nintento Wii and Wii Fit. It started out just as fun, but then I got hooked. I've been boxing, running, and doing strength exercises. Now, when I have an opportunity, I go outside to run. Otherwise I use the Wii. I exercise almost daily.

I wish the scale showed a difference, but I'm really pretty happy just with the improvements in how I feel. My clothes are more comfortable, I have more energy, and I sleep better. Exercise is a good thing.